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Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney Explains What Aggravated Battery in Illinois Is
Previously, Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney explained that simple battery occurs when a person causes bodily harm to another person or makes a physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with another person. Simple battery is a class A misdemeanor. At the same time, sometimes, the state’s attorney can charge a person with the offense of aggravated battery. Next, aggravated battery is always a felony. Moreover, it is a violent offense. Therefore, if you are facing violent crimes charges, you need a professional and aggressive defense from an experienced Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Defense Attorney. Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney represents clients on a variety of violent crimes charges in including different batteries.
When a State’s Attorney Can Charge a Person With Aggravated Battery
First, 720 ILCS 5/12-3.05 specifies when the State can charge a person with Aggravated Battery. First, a person commits Aggravated Battery when he or she knowingly causes great bodily harm. At the same time, the statute does not determine what great bodily harm is. However, Illinois case law explains what great bodily harm is. For example, in In re J.A, 336 Ill.App.3d 814, the court explained that to establish great bodily harm, the evidence must show an injury of a greater nature than mere bodily harm. Next, in People v. Watkins, 243 Ill.App.3d 271, the court ruled that a “graze wound” is not great bodily harm. Thus, the defendant did not commit a felony.
Call Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney if the State Charged You
As you can see, if the state claims that you caused great bodily harm to the victim, you need to consult with the experienced Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney. During the consultation, Attorney Tikhvinskiy will be able to determine whether you really caused great bodily harm to the victim or not.
State’s Attorney Can Charge a Person With Aggravated Battery When He or She Attacks a Specific Person
Next, 720 ILCS 5/12-3.05(d) allows the state to charge a person with aggravated battery if he or she hits an individual listed in the statute. First, a person commits an aggravated battery when he or she batters a person of 60 year of age or older. Second, a person commits an aggravated battery when he or she causes bodily harm to a teacher or school employee. Third, a person could be guilty of aggravated battery if he or she hits a person who is pregnant or has a physical disability. Additionally, under 720 ILCS 5/12-3.05(e), a person who discharges a firearm while committing a battery, commits an aggravated battery in Illinois. Moreover, there are other instances when the state can charge a person with Aggravated Battery,
Do Not Put Your Future at Stake. Call Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney Now!
Certainly, there is almost zero chance that you will be able to handle a battery case without a lawyer. Thus, you need to call Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney as soon as possible for a free and confidential consultation. Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney knows the laws and procedures necessary to defend clients who are facing battery charges. Moreover, Chicago Russian Speaking Aggravated Battery Criminal Defense Attorney will work hard to seek the dismissal of your case or the reduction of your battery charges. He will fight zealously to get the best possible outcome for you!