(312) 583-7345

What Robbery Is in Illinois by Robbery Chicago Russian Speaking Criminal Defense Attorney.
Generally, in Illinois people often say “I was robbed” when someone stole something from them. At the same time, the offense of robbery is different from theft. In the first place, Illinois Criminal Code identifies theft and burglary as Offenses Directed Against Property. However, Illinois code punishes for robbery more severely than for most other theft crimes. As a result, robbery is a way more serious crime than theft. Therefore, Illinois prosecutors seek serious punishments and long prison terms for felony offenses of robbery. Thus, an individual who is facing robbery charges or who is under investigation for robbery must secure the services of skilled and tough Robbery Chicago Russian Speaking Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy.
How Illinois Criminal Code Defines the Robbery Offense.
Under 720 ILCS 5/18-1, a person commits robbery when he or she knowingly takes property, except a motor vehicle, from the person or presence of another by the use of force or by threatening the imminent use of force. In fact, the law specifically excludes motor vehicles from the definition of robbery. Furthermore, 720 ILCS 5/18-3 punishes people who take motor vehicles by the use of force.
In Robbery Cases, The Value of Property Does Not Matter.
First, in robbery cases, the value of property that a person takes from a victim does not matter. For example, a robber takes a wallet from a victim. However, a robber does not know that this wallet has no cash in it. Nevertheless, the State can still charge you this person with a robbery offense even if an empty wallet has almost no value at all.
Use of Force in Robbery Cases.
Second, the defendant should use force to take somebody’s property. At the same time, this force does not necessary should be extreme. For instance, the state could charge a person with robbery for grabbing somebody’s purse and breaking its strap. However, using some force to secretly take a woman’s cell phone from her bag should not be robbery even if that person used some force to take the phone from the bag.
Threatening the Imminent Use of Force in Robbery Cases.
Third, 720 ILCS 5/18-1, requires threatening a victim with the imminent use of force. In People v. Lovings, 275 Ill.App.3d 19, 655 N.E.2d 1152 (2d Dist. 1995), the court determined that the threat of imminent force requirement is satisfied if the fear of the alleged victim was of such a nature as in reason and common experience is likely to induce a person to part with property against his will. Generally, this fear should be reasonable.
Criminal Penalties for Robbery in Illinois.
In Illinois, Robbery is one of the most serious criminal charges a person may face. Usually, simple robbery is a Class 2 felony. Thus, a person who is guilty of a Class 2 felony offense is facing up to seven years in prison and fines up to $25,000. At the same time, under certain circumstances, PROBATION COULD BE AVAILABLE FOR PEOPLE CHARGED WITH ROBBERY! Moreover, the State can charge robbery as a Class 1 felony. First, that can happen if a person robbed a person who is over 60 years old. Second, if a defendant robbed a handicapped person. Third, if the robbery offense occurred in a school, day care center, or a church. A Class 1 felony is a serious offense that is punishable by a prison sentence in Illinois Department of Correction of 4 to 15 years.
Collateral Consequences for Robbery in Illinois.
In the first place, a conviction for a robbery offense will almost definitely result in prison time. Of course, the conviction for robbery will ruin your career. Besides, it could destroy your reputation, family, and your life. Moreover, state’s attorneys become overzealous when they prosecute robbery charges. Therefore, with so much at stake, finding the right attorney is critical. You need to call Robbery Chicago Russian Speaking Attorney Tikhvinskiy ASAP!
Call Robbery Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy to Schedule Your Phone or Office Consultation.
First, Robbery Chicago Russian Speaking Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy provides his clients with unparalleled legal service. Next, Robbery Chicago Russian Speaking Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy knows how the state will approach your robbery case. Moreover, Attorney Tikhvinskiy has the experience and skills to fight for you in court. As a result, he will use that knowledge to build a winning defense strategy. Finally, people need help all over Illinois. As a result, Robbery Chicago Russian Speaking Criminal Defense Attorney Tikhvinskiy represents people in Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, DuPage, Will, Kankakee, Boone, Winnebago, Ogle, Whiteside and other counties all over Illinois. Call now at (312) 583-7345. Always, the first consultation is free and 100% confidential!