(312) 583-7345

Orders of Protection Chicago Russian Speaking Attorney Explains That There Are Two Different Orders of Protection Available to You Under Illinois Law.
There are 2 different laws that protect people in Illinois from violence, harassment, stalking, and other forms of abuse. First, the Illinois Domestic Violence Act. Second, the Stalking No Contact Order Act. Generally, the Illinois Domestic Violence Act protects you against violence from your relatives. At the same time, the Stalking No Contact Order Act protects you from unwanted surveillance, phone calls, text messages from anybody. A person can get protection under both laws. Next, there are no fees for filing for the order of protection. However, if you are thinking about obtaining an order of protection, you will need the knowledge and experience of a qualified Chicago Lawyer Tikhvinskiy.
Domestic Violence Orders of Protection.
In the first place, the Illinois Domestic Violence Act allows those people to get an order of protection if they bring an accusation of domestic violence, abuse, or threats. First, any person abused by a family or household member. Second, any high-risk adult with disabilities who is abused, neglected, or exploited by a family or household member. Third, any minor child or dependent adult in the care of such person. Fourth, any person residing or employed at a private home or public shelter which is housing an abused family or household member.
Chicago Lawyer Tikhvinskiy Clarifies Who Family or Household Member Is.
According to 750 ILCS 60/103, the definition of family or household member includes spouses, former spouses, parents, children, stepchildren and other persons related by blood or by a present or prior marriage. Second persons who share or formerly shared a common dwelling, persons who have or allegedly have a child in common, persons who share or allegedly share a blood relationship through a child. Third, persons with disabilities and their personal assistants and caregivers. Finally, persons who have or have had a dating or engagement relationship. Illinois law says that casual acquaintanceship nor ordinary fraternization between 2 individuals in business or social contexts is not a dating relationship. Thus, a dating relationship is a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature.
Orders of Protection Chicago Attorney Tikhvinskiy Defines What Abuse Is.
Illinois Domestic Violence Act defines violence and abuse as physical abuse harassment, intimidation of a dependent, interference with personal liberty or willful deprivation. Next, harassment defines as causing emotional distress. For example, creating a disturbance at the petitioner’s place of employment or school. Moreover, there are other statutory examples of harassment.
Hire Orders of Protection Chicago Russian Speaking Attorney to Protect You and Your Family Against Violence.
An order of protection will prevent your abused from committing any future acts of domestic violence against you and your loved ones. Next, an order of protection will prohibit your abused from performing any further acts of domestic violence against you. Third, you abused will not be allowed to contact you. Fourth, the abuser will not be able to enter your residence. Additionally, if your children are involved, an order of protection can set parenting time. Orders of Protection Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer represents people in divorce proceedings and will be able to help you with this as well.
Consequences for Violating Stalking Order of Protection.
Generally, there are criminal consequences for violating an order of protection. Thus, a person, who violates an order of protection, commits a misdemeanor. According to 720 ILCS 5/12-3.4, Illinois law prohibits and punishes this behavior.
Call Orders of Protection Chicago Russian Speaking Attorney for a Free Consultation.
If you are a victim of domestic abuse, do not wait and call Orders of Protection Chicago Russian Speaking Attorney Tikhvinskiy. Attorney Tikhvinskiy will work hard to protect your interests during that difficult time in your life. He will fight for you to get the result that you deserve. The first consultation is always free and 100% confidential. Call now at (312) 583-7345 and meet with an experienced Orders of Protection Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer.